The multi-professional medical team improving healthcare for patients with life-threatening neurological illness

Comprised of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, advanced practice providers, researchers and scientists, neurocritical care teams help improve healthcare for patients with life-threatening neurological illness.

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Discover what's making waves in neurocritical care

The NCS Annual Meeting is where neurocritical care professionals across a multitude of disciplines gain insights, learn best practices and stay current on trends and techniques in neurocritical care. Register now to join us Oct. 14-17 in San Diego.

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Join our neurocritical care community

Now is the perfect time to join our growing organization of neurocritical care professionals. Improve your patient care and unlock exclusive benefits through the end of 2024.

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Host an ENLS course for your team

The most significant advantage of the Live/Virtual course is that it allows real-time interaction with instructors who can clarify and provide examples based on experience.

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Annual Meeting
NCS Learning
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