Position Statements

NCS Position Statements aim to address issues currently affecting the field of neurocritical care, its patients and families. All statement requests are reviewed and approved by the NCS Board of Directors.

NCS Position Statements

In October 2022, the NCS Board of Directors approved an algorithim for the NCS community to request statements on behalf of the society to address policy or controversial opinion related to the field of neurocritical care. The Taskforce for Public Commentary, lead by Monisha Kumar, MD, FNCS, created the process to allow various leaders within the NCS community an opportunity to collaborate on a unified message that seeks to protect the health and safety of our patients and families.

Current Position Statements

Developing the Process

Follow Richard Gandee, DO; Richard Choi, DO; Marin Darsie, MD; Shraddha Mainali, MD; Deepa Malaiyandi, MD; Christa Hana Nobleza, MD; Michelle Schober, MD and Monisha Kumar, MD as they detail the development of the position statement algorithim in Currents

Currents Article

Position Statement Request Process

By requesting a position statement, the statement request will follow a specific algorithim developed by the Taskforce on Public Commentary. Please review the position statement review algorithim prior to submitting your statement request.

Position Statement Review Algorithim

Please note that all statements made by NCS will undergo legal review to ensure that they are in accordance with and do not jeopardize the 501c3 status.

Please contact the NCS at info@neurocriticalcare.org if there are any questions.

Position Statement Resources