Requirements for Fellow of Neurocritical Care
FNCS membership is predicated on a long history of dedicated program development, scholarship, leadership and professionalism within the field of neurocritical care. Examples within each category can be found below. Significant contributions to the field of neurocritical care must be solidly demonstrated in all four areas. Applicants must demonstrate achievements worthy of national or international recognition. If an applicant is not sure they are meeting the criteria, it is suggested that they discuss their qualifications with an FNCS-designated member who is not currently serving on the FNCS Credentialling Committee. Individuals who are considering FNCS application in the future may email for assistance with identifying an appropriate FNCS mentor or coach.
Program Development
The applicant must demonstrate substantial contributions to the development of a neuro ICU or program that impacts the care of critically ill neuroscience patients, or substantial contributions to the improvement of an existing unit or program. Program development may include any aspect of neurocritical care including clinical, educational, research, or administrative programs.
- Examples Include:
- Initiating or making substantive improvements in:
- Neurocritical care units or programs
- Neurocritical care related research programs
- Neurocritical care fellowship program
- Residency programs in neurocritical care for Pharmacists, Advanced Practice Providers (APPs), or Registered Nurse (RNs)
- Quality improvement initiatives in neurological critical care, which may include the development of protocols or guidelines
- Developing local, regional or national neurocritical care educational symposia
- Development or expansion of a TeleICU program in neurocritical care
- Initiating or substantially expanding roles of RNs, APPs or PharmDs within neurocritical care
Scholarly Activities Related to Neurocritical Care
Scholarly activities include educational activities, research (either clinical or basic science), and scientific publications. Educational scholarly activities must involve neurocritical care education directed toward physicians, nurses, pharmacists, trainees, students, allied health professionals, or the general public. These activities should be beyond what is routinely expected in an applicants’ job. For example, grand rounds or routine lectures given to residents or faculty would not be included. Research and publications should be directly related to the field of neurocritical care.
- Examples Include:
- Regular lectures at a regional or national level
- Evidence of high-quality teaching and education as documented by teaching awards
- Teaching regional/state/national educational symposia
- Grants from local/regional/date/national agencies
- Original scientific peer reviewed publications
- Peer- reviewed on non-peer-reviewed educational publications such as book chapters or review articles
- Active participation in the development of evidence based clinical guidelines.
- Mentoring research projects
Leadership in the Field of Neurocritical Care
Activity in this area must include leadership in organizations that are devoted to education, practice, administration, and/or research in neurocritical care. This generally means regional or national elected leadership positions, although other examples will be considered if the applicant’s leadership contributions are clearly articulated. Significant activity in the Neurocritical Care Society is required; however, active involvement in task forces or special contributions to committee work in other critical care, neurological, or neurosurgical societies may be recognized. A description of contributions made while in the leadership role must be included.
- Examples Include:
- Section Chair, Director, Council Member, Chancellor, or the equivalent of neurocritical care sections in an affiliated critical care, neurological, nursing, pharmacy or allied health societies
- Leader of a committee or task force related to neurocritical care
- Board membership in societies related to neurocritical care
- Division director or Service Chief
- Unit Director
- Department Chair
- Stroke Center Director
Professionalism and Collaboration
Fellow applicants must provide evidence that they participate in and collaborate with a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the care and management of critically ill neurological patients.
- Examples Include:
- Multidisciplinary rounds
- Lecturing to other provider types
- Chairing/or member of multidisciplinary committees
- Working with groups of clinicians or researchers with diverse backgrounds
- Mentoring different provider types
- Speaking at interdisciplinary conferences
- Including different provider types in process improvement programs/guidelines/conferences
If the applicant is deemed by the FNCS Credentialing Committee to have met all requirements, then they would be awarded with the letters FNCS to denote being a Fellow of the Neurocritical Care Society. For an applicant to be awarded this designation, the FNCS Credentialing Committee must either vote that all criteria are met unanimously or with only one dissent (therefore, either “unanimous” or “unanimous-1”).