Survey of Evaluation and Management Of External Ventricular Drain- Associated Infections
The aim of this survey is to describe the variability in clinical practice among neurocritical care providers in the diagnosis and treatment of potential EVD-associated infections. A survey questionnaire was developed by neurocritical care physicians (MR, MZ, AE, HK) and neurocritical care pharmacist (CM). The survey consists of 16 items designed to capture data on the respondent’s experience, institutional setting, and practice regarding clinical decision-making in initiation and de-escalation of antibiotic treatment of possible EVD-associated infection. We have designed three case scenarios to represent intermediate probability, low probability, and high probability scenarios for EVD-associated CNS infections to determine the range of provider practices for each scenario regarding antibiotic initiation. For each scenario, we will assess how decision-making may be influenced by CSF culture results, CSF lactate, and CSF Biofire.
Duration: 10-15 minutes
Audience: All Members
Mohamed Ridha
Survey Closes: May 1, 2025
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Management of Hepatic DCD Donors Across the World
This study is a joint project of the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS) and the Society for the Advancements of Transplant Anesthesia (SATA). The survey committee consists of anesthesiologists, critical care physicians, and transplant surgeons. The committee identified the initial critical areas of interest, and based on this assessment, the first preliminary questions were created. The questions underwent multiple revisions during the survey development process before being reviewed by the entire panel of authors to evaluate their validity prior to final acceptance. The questions included both dichotomous and multiple-choice formats, with some questions allowing free-text responses and the attachment of files. After final confirmation of the survey structure, a RedCap file was created. The final version underwent multiple modifications to enhance user-friendliness and compactness. The completed survey was then sent to six multidisciplinary reviewers— all from the field of organ transplantation—who were not part of the committee. The reviewers provided several suggestions and recommendations. After evaluating these recommendations and reaching an agreement among committee members, the final version of the survey was accepted.
Duration: 15-20 minutes
Audience: For ICU Medical Directors only
Dmitri Bezinover
Survey Closes: May 1, 2025
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